Saturday, July 16, 2005

Picture taken with Johnson's DSLR camera

Thought I'd have some fun with this picture, here's the link to it:

Color Photogram Project

These pictures are here thanks to flickr. I can't seem to work things out with Picasa at the moment. Glad to have several back ups, although it took me some time to figure it out.

These are pictures were done with the enlarger in the darkroom at school. It was kinda fun figuring out what objects to use. :3

This one was with a UV light keychain that was given to me. Because the light shows blue (a photography blue which most people see as purple) I believe that is why it turned out yellow, then transitioned to green because the light was on for a while.

However, I also did this one with the same UV light keychain... can't remember what I did to this one though.